FLSA – Understanding Auto Deductions

February 6, 2013 0 Comments

Commentary About FLSA and Auto Deductions –


FLSA: Wage and Hour Litigation – Understanding Auto Deductions For Hours Worked:

Auto pay deductions are a commonplace practice among employers in the marketplace. Many pay hourly wages for hours worked, but then deduct pay for required lunch breaks whether you actually take them or not.

These deductions are automatically made using payroll software, but there are employers who create exemptions in the software that only deduct pay for actual breaks taken.

In recent years, the number of FLSA lawsuits brought against employers who fail to pay for breaks that are missed or interrupted by work related tasks has increased. Under the FLSA, Fair Labor Standards Act, employers are required to pay for any hours worked by an employee.

Auto deductions can easily steal fairly earned wages, which can lead to an unfair working environment. No one should work through their lunch hour for free.

If you have questions regarding FLSA lawys pertaining to auto deductions, contact our office to speak with an employment law attorney in Arkansas who cares about justice and represents clients in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments.