Quarterback Quinn admits playing through an NFL concussion

November 9, 2012 0 Comments

Commentary About Head Concussions –

The brutal and exciting sport of football is the most popular of American pastimes. Every year millions of people tune in to see their favorite NFL team battle it out on the gridiron for glory and a chance at the ultimate prize: a Superbowl ring.

Unfortunately, with all of that glory and excitement comes the reality of painful and debilitating injuries. Concussions are the most common football injury in the NFL, Universities, and High Schools. Yes, the football helmet does soften the blow, but the amount of force applied to the human head during a bone crunching tackle can cause a grown man to fall to the ground dead in an instant. Helmets can prevent serious injury and immediate death, but they cannot truly prevent a head concussion.

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Brady Quinn, recently admitted to playing in games despite having experienced a concussion. Not only was Quinn playing football, he was also playing with his life.

Head concussions and traumatic brain injuries have serious long-term consequences that come to the surface years later. If you’ve experienced a head concussion due to a workplace accident, competitive football game, or recreational sports activity, you should consider contacting our law firm for a private and free consultation. We care and are tenacious in helping every injured victim that we represent.